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Effective Leadership Starts Here

whether you're looking to:

  • fast track your personal growth with the Enneagram
  • provide professional support for your community
  • wow your team with custom workshops that untangle problems and get results
  • offer ongoing individual support for your leadership team
  • ready to dive deep into 1:1 Leadership Coaching

There is something here for every type of leader, no matter what responsibilities or people you manage.

Here Are The Services I Provide:

Enneagram Typing Sessions

The Enneagram is the most effective personal growth tool there is but it’s not the most user friendly. So I’ve designed weekly sessions to help people discover their type and know how it can immediately improve their personal and professional lives.

Maybe you don’t know your enneagram type (cause your test results don’t sound like you), or you don’t understand what all the hype is. Or, you might know your type but not understand how to apply this new knowledge. OR, you simply want to experience what it’s like to work with me. Either way, this session is for you!

During this 60 minute session (limited to 4 people), I help clarify and streamline the enneagram typing process. I use the quantitative test results, combined with conversation, questions and speech patterns, to determine your enneagram type, break down the big picture concepts, and send you off with 1-2 action steps you can take immediately with your newfound self-awareness!

During this 60 minute session (limited to 4 people), I help clarify and streamline the enneagram typing process. I use the quantitative test results, combined with conversation, questions and speech patterns, to determine your enneagram type, break down the big picture concepts, and send you off with 1-2 action steps you can take immediately with your newfound self-awareness!

Bring your questions about personal obstacles, relationships or business decisions, meet other leadership enthusiasts, and walk away with a deeper understanding of the enneagram blueprint, as well as simple ways to feel more relaxed and fulfilled starting… yesterday!

Group Coaching + Mindset Training

Do you have a group, mastermind or inner circle that would benefit from regular office hours where they can get high-touch support on specific topics and obstacles without you having to be there?

These weekly or monthly calls are designed to compliment the strategic or business training you provide with an emphasis on personal growth and a healthy mindset. Group Coaching sessions work best with groups of 5-25 people, and can be as structured or free-flowing as needed.

Because the truth is, people often join programs with sky-high expectations. But as reality settles in and life happens, they greatly benefit from additional tools that help them navigate each obstacle or milestone, as well as successfully implement the training you provide.

Custom Team

Dynamics Workshops

Ever feel like your meetings are so packed with agenda items there’s no time to brainstorm or connect with one another?

OR, you spend most of the time connecting and checking in so your meetings aren’t that efficient or productive. No matter which end of the spectrum sounds like you, meetings are hard to run and I am here to help.

Before I design the workshops, we start with a thorough assessment that specifies your team's strengths, weaknesses, personality types and responsibilities. I use this information to design monthly or quarterly workshops that bring fresh support, insight and practical tools to the 5 dynamics of healthy teams.

These workshops are 60 minutes and designed to be interactive, useful and eye-opening. With a few new tools (and some laughs) your team can step into their full potential without you having to do all the heavy lifting.

The Enneagram Impact

Signature Leadership Course

There’s no one size fits all strategy for personal development. Which is why I created The Enneagram Impact: A course for business owners, leaders and influencers who want to use the Enneagram to lead with unprecedented insight and accuracy.

Through this course, you’ll discover how people see the world and what gets in their way. The course material will create exciting new solutions for your most difficult relationships, reignite your sense of hope and personal momentum, and identify your leadership superpowers so you can enjoy your work and create even more impact. (hence, the name :)

This course is for the leader or business owner who wants a life of freedom and possibility, and is ready to look at relationships from new angles by expanding their compassion and taking a leap.

Team Support + Leadership Training

This offer combines the best of 1:1 Leadership Coaching and Team Dynamics Consulting.

Offered in 12 month packages, we start by working 1:1 to identify your goals and obstacles as a leader, and make a support plan to address these throughout the year. Coaching support and leadership training is also provided for the members of your team who need it most.

This package ultimately includes 1-2 coaching calls/month for you or members of your team, ongoing voxer support through the year for you and one senior team member, and strategic team dynamic consulting based on my confidential observations.

Basically, you want to be the best version of yourself, you want your team members to play an active role in their own growth, AND you want your team to knock it out of the park. So why not give them the strategy, insight and confidential support they need to achieve this?

It’s almost a no-brainer. It makes your job as a leader lighter, more efficient, and helps people grow, thrive and reach their full potential without you having to hold their hand.

1:1 High Touch

Leadership Coaching

The number one management thinkers in the world have identified 5 Essential Qualities of Effective Leadership: intuition, humility, commitment, seeing from different vantage points, and drawing out the unique strengths in others.

Working with me 1:1 is like mental spring cleaning. We take stock of what’s truly fulfilling, and develop practical strategies to lead with intuition, humility, focus, and an open mind. As well as gain a fresh understanding of what sets you apart, and an action plan to reach your goals AND care for yourself in the process.

This package offers 12 weeks of high touch support, which includes weekly coaching sessions and unlimited voxer support so we address complex issues in real time. Working with me 1:1 will help you define your leadership style, reconnect with the vision that brings you to life, and communicate easily, no matter who or what you’re dealing with.

We make a plan that centers around WHO you want to be, and WHAT obstacles are preventing that from happening. We use the Enneagram to understand your unique needs, motivations and superpowers. This gives us a custom roadmap to personal growth that results in a healthier, happier you.

We also incorporate tools like my custom Core Values Assessment that help us identify your deeply held beliefs, and transform the way you make decisions, manage responsibilities, and respond to relationships.

So, I’m basically an EMOTIONAL ARCHEOLOGIST. With powerful coaching tools, meaningful conversation, and tell-it-like-it-is insights, we steer the ship toward the heart of the matter in a very short amount of time. After just a few sessions, your clarity, focus and growth will be tangible and rewarding.


be bigger, be louder, be more impactful

The support I felt with Nicole has shifted the way I see myself, my business, and my life in so many positive ways. In my 1:1 coaching with Nicole, I can speak to how much her insight has helped me get to a place where I am excited to be bigger, be louder, be more impactful in my life and my business. If you ever have the opportunity to work with her in any capacity, jump ALL in!

Shannon Busse

Story Strategist & Coach

the bottom line

As a leader, educator and lifelong creative thinker, my strategies make this work feel like an easy afternoon walk-in-the-park, while deep, lasting transformation takes place just beneath the surface.

I customize my support to complement your needs, learning style, schedule, and personality structure. Which is why I only accept 2 new clients each month.

If you’re looking to take your career, personal growth or leadership team to the next level, click apply so we can start the conversation and jumpstart the support that’ll make the difference between going through the motions and stepping into your full potential.

Rather than pile on *even more* opinions and advice, working 1:1 with me will steer you back to your true north, no matter what obstacles you’re dealing with. You’ll see real transformation in the way you think, feel and act after just a few sessions.

This ain’t no one-size-fits-all leadership coaching…

we’re going for something much more vibrant.

let's connect

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